Teodoru & Associates
attorneys at law

4 Foisorului Street, Suite 16, Bucharest, 3, Romania
+40.92.316022  / +40.1.3230838

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  1. Doing business in Romania is not easy at all. There are many things that can affect you:
    1. The ever-changing legal environment;
    2. The extensive set of regulations that covers a specific area of interest;
    3. The increasing number of "legal consultants"  who promise to solve problems for you in shorter time;
  2. To better protect an investment you have a panel of means. Among these the first is to get PROPER LEGAL ADVICE before something happens to you.
  3. This is where lawyers come into action. But they are many in Romania. How are you going to choose one? To answer that question you should consider these:
    1. Law firms in Romania charge clients especially on a service base, that is for each service the firm is to ask its lawyer about the fee. In this case fees range from USD 25 to 10% of a certain value of the transaction;
    2. Another system is used by some serious law firms in Romania. This is the pay-by-hour system, which divides the Romanian law firms further into 2 categories: foreign law firms (with fees starting from USD 150-200/hour) and local law firms (with fees varying from USD 10 to USD 100). Both of them employ mostly Romanian lawyers, due to regulations of the legal profession. Most of the legal jobs is conducted by Romanian native lawyers.
    3. TEODORU & Associates maintains fees at US$ 40/hour to US$ 150/hour, but special fees are offered to selected clients;
    4. There are a few specialized law firms in Romania; If you consider to do business in Romania, you should choose a specialized law firm (corporate, contracts and taxes). Doing so, you can manage all your legal affairs with one law firm, instead of many;
    5. Fees are to be paid in advance (entirely or partially), except for some cases;
    6. Serious law firms do not charge everything; You should ask before requesting any service if it is charged or is free;
  4. You should consider working only with reputable banks, since there are plenty of banks with dubious actions;
  5. You should also consider also working with a serious accounting firm as well as a serious law firm;
  6. Your lawyer can always suggest for free a list of banks and accountancy firms.

For details you can contact our office at mailto:next@fx.ro




(in Romanian)



Legea nr.10/2001 privind regimul juridic al unor imobile preluate in mod abuziv

Legea nr.139/1940 asupra rechizitiilor

Legea nr.119/1948 pentru nationalizarea intreprinderilor industriale, bancare etc



Legea dreptului de autor

Legea privind marcile

Legea privind desenele si modelele industriale



Any suggestion is welcomed. Do not hesitate to contact us.
Updated June 17th 2001.

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