Teodoru & Associates
attorneys at law

4 Foisorului Street, Suite 16, Bucharest, 3, Romania
+40.92.316022  / +40.1.3230838

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  1. According to Romanian regulations one has to make the following distinctions:
    1. Buildings (industrial, business)
    2. Land inside towns;
    3. Land outside towns (agricultural land);
    4. Forests
  2. Buildings can be bought by any Romanian or non-Romanian individual. They also can be bought by Romanian registered companies, irrespective of their capital’s country of origin. With respect to the land underneath a building, see #3 below.
  3. Land inside towns cannot be bought by non Romanian individuals or companies. So, only Romanian citizens and Romanian-registered companies can acquire land inside towns. A non-Romanian citizen can acquire land by setting up a company in Romania and through his company then to buy land. The same procedure can be used by non-Romanian registered companies. The buildings can be bought without any problems, such as special rights to neighbors or other persons.
  4. Land outside towns can be bought in the same conditions and by the same persons mentioned at #3 above, except there is a special right of the co-owners, neighbors and tenants to buy the land with priority. In this case, the seller has to offer the land to these categories of persons and unless they offer a lower price than a third party interested, they can buy the land first.
  5. Forests can be bought only by the persons mentioned at #3. The state has an option to buy the forest if the price it offers is at least the same as the price offered by a third party.
  6. Lands such as lakes, rivers, banks or beaches cannot be bought. The owner of these is the state, but individuals and companies can get the concession under a special procedure.
  7. All transfers of land property have to be done in writing at a notary public office. For buildings this is not required by law, but it is highly advisable for the title to be registered properly in the Property Registry.
  8. Professional advice is needed in order to buy a property as well as a title checking to see whether the property is clear of any lien. Also, some documents must be produced by the actual owner in order for the transfer to operate.
  9. Taxes on property transfers are usually around 5% of the value of the property. Annual property taxes are around 2% and can be changed by local authorities. Annual taxes are to be paid in 4 installments to local authorities.




(in Romanian)



Legea nr.10/2001 privind regimul juridic al unor imobile preluate in mod abuziv

Legea nr.139/1940 asupra rechizitiilor

Legea nr.119/1948 pentru nationalizarea intreprinderilor industriale, bancare etc



Legea dreptului de autor

Legea privind marcile

Legea privind desenele si modelele industriale



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Updated June 17th 2001.

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